HKAC is a multi-arts centre that fosters artistic exchanges locally and internationally, bringing the most forward creations to Hong Kong and showcasing homegrown talents abroad.
I helped with conceptualizing their annual Open House event theme and Chinese + English copywriting for the programme. Click here for the event Facebook page.

若生活不知不覺已磨去您對美好事物的想像,這一趟就讓我們助您打開心扉,以欣賞的心重新出發。由 3 月 31 日下午 2 點開始,香港藝術中心誠邀您參加我們裝修後首個開放日,12 小時馬不停蹄提供多元豐富節目,直至凌晨 2 時。穿梭於藝術、生活和美食之間,沈醉享受這視聽味覺的完美融合,必然讓您重拾對理想的追求。
Appetite and lust are only natural. It is in human nature to desire beauty, and the desire for art is no different from that for food. Through the taste of food and expression in art, we allow ourselves to see the silver linings in our daily lives. They stimulate the senses, they satisfy the body and mind, they challenge the status quo, and they ignite our passions, making life a bit sweeter and providing solace for our souls.
若生活不知不覺已磨去您對美好事物的想像,這一趟就讓我們助您打開心扉,以欣賞的心重新出發。由 3 月 31 日下午 2 點開始,香港藝術中心誠邀您參加我們裝修後首個開放日,12 小時馬不停蹄提供多元豐富節目,直至凌晨 2 時。穿梭於藝術、生活和美食之間,沈醉享受這視聽味覺的完美融合,必然讓您重拾對理想的追求。
Appetite and lust are only natural. It is in human nature to desire beauty, and the desire for art is no different from that for food. Through the taste of food and expression in art, we allow ourselves to see the silver linings in our daily lives. They stimulate the senses, they satisfy the body and mind, they challenge the status quo, and they ignite our passions, making life a bit sweeter and providing solace for our souls.
The pressure of an accelerating urban life requires the unconditional devotion of our energies for mere economic survival. But in doing so, we are often left unfulfilled, with many choosing pleasure through distraction, only to be disappointed in its fleeting nature. The contradictions of tradition and modernity in city has left much to be desired, and occluded our appreciation for art and food.
If modern life has quenched your thirst for beauty and dulled your appetite for taste, please join us at 2018 Hong Kong Arts Centre Open House. On this day, we slow down our lives to appreciate the simple yet beautiful things in our shared ancestry. As the first Open Day after a renovation period, we promise to bring you 12 hours of inspiring activities, where art, food and life intersect at the nexus of our being.
於當晚的 Movie Night 放映會,我們會為您呈上分別由荻上直子和伊丹十三執導的電影 -《海鷗食堂》(2016) 和《蒲公英》(1985)。兩部電影風格各異,推出時間相差逾 30 年,卻不約而同以日本餐飲為題,藉經營者、食客、美食與人生四者的微妙關係,討論生活簡單平淡而幸福的本質、人性之食色性也,以及為原則而排除萬難的堅持,令人為之動容。
於當晚的 Movie Night 放映會,我們會為您呈上分別由荻上直子和伊丹十三執導的電影 -《海鷗食堂》(2016) 和《蒲公英》(1985)。兩部電影風格各異,推出時間相差逾 30 年,卻不約而同以日本餐飲為題,藉經營者、食客、美食與人生四者的微妙關係,討論生活簡單平淡而幸福的本質、人性之食色性也,以及為原則而排除萬難的堅持,令人為之動容。
We will be playing Naoko Ogigami’s “Kamome Diner” (2016) and Juzo Itami’s “Tampopo”(1985). Despite their distinct styles and a 30-year time gap, both film use Japanese cuisine as a cultural backdrop to explore the dynamic relationships between chefs and diners with food and life, alluding to greater discussions on life's simplicity, human nature for desires and devotion to one’s craft. Eating means much more than just simply stuffing a stomach.
We will be playing Naoko Ogigami’s “Kamome Diner” (2016) and Juzo Itami’s “Tampopo”(1985). Despite their distinct styles and a 30-year time gap, both film use Japanese cuisine as a cultural backdrop to explore the dynamic relationships between chefs and diners with food and life, alluding to greater discussions on life's simplicity, human nature for desires and devotion to one’s craft. Eating means much more than just simply stuffing a stomach.
It is a sacred ritual to indulge and share in the life-giving energies of food, to show our admiration of the artistry and philosophy behind the food preparation. In the age of rapid acceleration, we often need to slow down to contemplate what it means to truly live, and to delineate the difference between having an expensive meal, and savouring a simple, well-brewed tea.
除了電影夜,當晚還有培養藝術品味的「Music Salon」。我們誠邀你與駐場劇作家分享回憶點滴,他會即場創作劇本,將您的故事重新演繹。另外我們亦安排了駐場錄音師,親身錄製早前大眾於社交媒體投稿的【Just the moment 剛好時刻】微文字,並加上特別聲效,成就嶄新的交流體驗。
In addition to the Movie Night, an exciting new Music Salon has been installed that is sure to enthral attendees. Attendees will be invited to share their past memories with our playwright, who will apply his artistic interpretation in producing a performance for audiences to see. The Music Salon will have a dedicated sound engineer that will do a live recording using “Just the moment” pieces curated from the public, to add greater dramatic effect and audio rapture to the personal stories’ we all are kind enough to share.
除了電影夜,當晚還有培養藝術品味的「Music Salon」。我們誠邀你與駐場劇作家分享回憶點滴,他會即場創作劇本,將您的故事重新演繹。另外我們亦安排了駐場錄音師,親身錄製早前大眾於社交媒體投稿的【Just the moment 剛好時刻】微文字,並加上特別聲效,成就嶄新的交流體驗。
In addition to the Movie Night, an exciting new Music Salon has been installed that is sure to enthral attendees. Attendees will be invited to share their past memories with our playwright, who will apply his artistic interpretation in producing a performance for audiences to see. The Music Salon will have a dedicated sound engineer that will do a live recording using “Just the moment” pieces curated from the public, to add greater dramatic effect and audio rapture to the personal stories’ we all are kind enough to share.
/ 樂在製造 共製餐具 Making On Cutlery /
「自造者運動」近年在各地興起,主張以動手 DIY 解決問題,而非一味以消費得到所需。如此一來,我們可將生活自主權重握在手,更可減少廢物的產生。齊來參加【樂在製造 】工作坊,以環保物料自製獨一無二的餐具,體驗手作樂趣。工作坊導師為「軸物行者」創辦人及項目總監吳伯風及共同創辦人陳培基。
The Maker Movement" has been increasing in popularity around the globe. By advocating a "Do It Yourself" approach in solving problems or creating new things over than buying pre-packaged, already-made products, the Maker Movement encourages education, creativity, innovation and autonomy while also reducing waste and inefficient use of resources. Join the workshop, taught by the founder and project director of "Wheel Thing Makers" Paddy Ng and co-founder Gary Chan, to create your own inventive cutlery with recycled materials and enjoy the passion of making!
「自造者運動」近年在各地興起,主張以動手 DIY 解決問題,而非一味以消費得到所需。如此一來,我們可將生活自主權重握在手,更可減少廢物的產生。齊來參加【樂在製造 】工作坊,以環保物料自製獨一無二的餐具,體驗手作樂趣。工作坊導師為「軸物行者」創辦人及項目總監吳伯風及共同創辦人陳培基。
The Maker Movement" has been increasing in popularity around the globe. By advocating a "Do It Yourself" approach in solving problems or creating new things over than buying pre-packaged, already-made products, the Maker Movement encourages education, creativity, innovation and autonomy while also reducing waste and inefficient use of resources. Join the workshop, taught by the founder and project director of "Wheel Thing Makers" Paddy Ng and co-founder Gary Chan, to create your own inventive cutlery with recycled materials and enjoy the passion of making!
/ 果 Jam 二三事 Jam Story /
果 Jam 二三事製醬人 Jacqueline Ng 每星期於本地有機農場與果欄搜購時令水果,依照不同口感和香味,配搭出不含防腐劑添加劑的新鮮果醬。是次工作坊,她將會與參加者一同製作士多啤梨檸檬伯爵茶口味果醬,喜歡天然食品的你絕不能錯過!
Every week, Jam Story's founder Jacqueline Ng visits local organic farms and fruit markets to pick the ripest fruits of the season as ingredients for her secret jam! Full of flavour, diverse in taste, and completely organic with no preservatives or additives, there is no jam on the market quite like Jacqueline's. Join this workshop to learn how to alchemize your very own strawberry lemon earl grey jam that is sure to give your taste buds the newest sensations!
果 Jam 二三事製醬人 Jacqueline Ng 每星期於本地有機農場與果欄搜購時令水果,依照不同口感和香味,配搭出不含防腐劑添加劑的新鮮果醬。是次工作坊,她將會與參加者一同製作士多啤梨檸檬伯爵茶口味果醬,喜歡天然食品的你絕不能錯過!
Every week, Jam Story's founder Jacqueline Ng visits local organic farms and fruit markets to pick the ripest fruits of the season as ingredients for her secret jam! Full of flavour, diverse in taste, and completely organic with no preservatives or additives, there is no jam on the market quite like Jacqueline's. Join this workshop to learn how to alchemize your very own strawberry lemon earl grey jam that is sure to give your taste buds the newest sensations!
/ 靈魂實險 再世紅梅 /
《記迷魂》由克羅地亞 POGON 薩格勒布獨立文化及青年中心駐場藝術家鄭得恩策劃,以及由香港八和會館粵劇新秀演出系列演員袁學慧演出。劇曲以傳統粵劇為切入點,借《再世紅梅記》經典人物李慧娘的魂作榥子,讓觀眾體察表演的動靜,走步飄移的轉化。
Drawing inspiration from the serenity of the famous character Li Hui Niang from the traditional Cantonese opera "The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom", 《記迷魂》is a spectacle that is sure to awe audiences through the fluidity of movement in this work of living art. Starring Yuen Huk-wai from The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong "Barwo" and curated by Enoch Cheng, the resident artist of POGON Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth in Croatia, 《記迷魂》is a performance piece art not to be missed!
《記迷魂》由克羅地亞 POGON 薩格勒布獨立文化及青年中心駐場藝術家鄭得恩策劃,以及由香港八和會館粵劇新秀演出系列演員袁學慧演出。劇曲以傳統粵劇為切入點,借《再世紅梅記》經典人物李慧娘的魂作榥子,讓觀眾體察表演的動靜,走步飄移的轉化。
Drawing inspiration from the serenity of the famous character Li Hui Niang from the traditional Cantonese opera "The Reincarnation of Lady Plum Blossom", 《記迷魂》is a spectacle that is sure to awe audiences through the fluidity of movement in this work of living art. Starring Yuen Huk-wai from The Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong "Barwo" and curated by Enoch Cheng, the resident artist of POGON Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth in Croatia, 《記迷魂》is a performance piece art not to be missed!