A few pieces on destinations that I translated for Altitude Asia Magazine.

Anantara Uluwatu - Capturing the spirit of Bali
烏魯瓦圖安納塔拉度假酒店 - 巴利島的靈魂聖地
烏魯瓦圖安納塔拉度假酒店 - 巴利島的靈魂聖地
Surfing is intrinsically linked to feelings of freedom and rebellion, which goes a long way to explain the Anantara Uluwatu’s ethos. Standing as an outpost of luxury in the traditionally understated southwest tip of Bali, it is, despite its relative compactness, a wonderfully open resort that breathes in the fresh air of the pulsating ocean it overlooks.
Set back from the main road that feeds one of the most popular surfing stretches of coast outside Australia, it is an ideal hub from which to explore the southern-most point of Bali, home to some of its most intriguing attractions. From the area around Single Fin, a ramshackle but captivating collection of cliff-side huts for the surfing community, to the magnificent Pura Luhur, one of Bali’s oldest temples sitting precariously on a 75-metre plateau jutting out onto the water, this little corner encapsulates the spirit of the whole island.
在主路上走回,您會看到在澳洲以外最受歡迎的海岸衝浪勝地,讓您盡情探索巴利島最南端迷人景緻。島上餐廳Single Fin位處懸崖邊,由一排排搖搖欲墜的小屋所組成,是衝浪愛好者的聚集熱點;而島上其中一座最古老的寺廟Pura Luhur宏偉壯觀,坐落於75米高的海邊平原上,彷彿搖搖欲墜的快要跌進水里去。這個小角落是整個巴利島的靈魂所在,令人神往。
在主路上走回,您會看到在澳洲以外最受歡迎的海岸衝浪勝地,讓您盡情探索巴利島最南端迷人景緻。島上餐廳Single Fin位處懸崖邊,由一排排搖搖欲墜的小屋所組成,是衝浪愛好者的聚集熱點;而島上其中一座最古老的寺廟Pura Luhur宏偉壯觀,坐落於75米高的海邊平原上,彷彿搖搖欲墜的快要跌進水里去。這個小角落是整個巴利島的靈魂所在,令人神往。
Entry to the Anantara is through a vast cavernous reception on the brow of a small hill, a space that affords stunning views in both directions. From here, rooms, some with private infinity pools and all with outdoor Jacuzzi baths, cascade down towards a pool deck and the ocean or upwards in a four-storey block.
Perched high above The Impossible - the name affectionately given to the beach below by surfers who undertake a climb down to tackle the awesome waves - is the hotel’s design masterpiece; a glass cube, framed with solid wood beams that overhangs the cliff edge and plays host to numerous weddings throughout the year.
追求刺激的衝浪人士可往下爬到名副其實的“不可思議海灘”(Impossible Beach),挑戰洶湧的波濤。酒店更特意在海灘上建有以實木樑柱為框的全玻璃立方婚禮場地,在懸崖上見證無數婚姻的誕生。
追求刺激的衝浪人士可往下爬到名副其實的“不可思議海灘”(Impossible Beach),挑戰洶湧的波濤。酒店更特意在海灘上建有以實木樑柱為框的全玻璃立方婚禮場地,在懸崖上見證無數婚姻的誕生。
The spa is set within the complex, but in a tranquil hideaway separate from main buildings. It is the perfect place to recharge after a hard day out on the water, or even simply watching the waves.

The Majestic Hotel - Relive the glamour of the 1930s
吉隆坡大華酒店 - 重訪1930年代的絕代風華
吉隆坡大華酒店 - 重訪1930年代的絕代風華
The Great Gatsby never made it as far as Kuala Lumpur. But if F Scott Fitzgerald’s famed protagonist ever did, such was his penchant for the upper class, good life that there really would have been only one accommodation choice that could live up to his impeccable standards: The Majestic Hotel.
Originally built in 1932, and now considered a national heritage site, the classic colonial structure flaunts the hotel’s pre-WWII history when it would host glamorous Gatsby-esque, galas and entertain royalty. Naturally, the luxury hotel industry has come a long way since those days, but so has The Majestic. Its exterior may exude Old World elegance, but in 2012 the hotel reopened with a very ‘New World’ reimaging under the watch of hotelier chain YTL.
Divided into the Majestic Wing and the Tower Wing, the hotel’s interior has been fully converted into a modern art-deco influenced hotel with tasteful contemporary furnishings. For timeless style, we recommend the Majestic Wing, which houses 47 suites that replicate the building’s traditional aesthetics, as opposed to the Tower Wing’s more modern accommodation.
With heritage playing such an important role in the hotel’s identity, several classic colonial elements have been re-imagined. A prim-and-proper High Tea is served daily and is one of the most popular in the city, while as the sun sets the simply named The Bar livens up with people dropping by for a quick after-work cocktail, or two. Because after all, you never know when the modern day Gatsby might be in town.
大華酒店的歷史氣氛濃厚,重新演繹經典的殖民元素。城中至愛的經典下午茶全日供應,讓您重溫殖民地時代的優雅時光,而“The Bar” 酒吧如同其名簡潔高雅,成為人們下班後,夕陽西下之時,閒聊喝酒的聚腳點。一不小心,或許會跟現代版的蓋茨比來個浪漫邂逅呢。
大華酒店的歷史氣氛濃厚,重新演繹經典的殖民元素。城中至愛的經典下午茶全日供應,讓您重溫殖民地時代的優雅時光,而“The Bar” 酒吧如同其名簡潔高雅,成為人們下班後,夕陽西下之時,閒聊喝酒的聚腳點。一不小心,或許會跟現代版的蓋茨比來個浪漫邂逅呢。